Mindy's Movie Reviews

A blog that went from discussing about the writing life to reviews of movies

Screwing Up Your Writing by Christina E. Rundle

I must share with you all an incredibly informative blog post I have just read.

It is called Screwing Up Your Writing Career over on Christina E. Rundle's blog for which I follow.

She gives a nice detailed list of tips for any writer who does not want to screw up his/her writing career. The tips are endless yet the first thing I done once I finished reading them all was print it out.

Thanks Christina for all the wonderful info!


Erin MacPherson September 20, 2010 at 4:54 PM  

Thanks for this link and the article was great. Thank you!

Mindy September 21, 2010 at 9:14 AM  

No problem I found it to be great as well! Thank you for reading!