Mindy's Movie Reviews

A blog that went from discussing about the writing life to reviews of movies

Basics of Web Design

Back in July I talked about Why a writer should have a website. To reread that post you can click here.

I thought, hey why not help those who want to make their own website by giving them the basics aka HTML.

A site can be made simply in a program you already have on your computer: Notepad.

In this program you can make a basic page using HTML (HyperText Markup Language).

HTML uses tags (ie. such as

) which are simple instructions of where everything is placed and/or what that item should look like.

Now if I were to write a very, very basic page in HTML it would look like this:



<> This is Your Heading < /h1 >

<> This will be your paragraph of information < /p >

< /body >
< /html >

Let me describe to you what each tag does for that particular page.

<> starts your page, letting the program know you are going to use html to build a web site
<> is the beginning of your page and where your HTML will go
<> Heading 1, headings range from 1-6 (ie. <>, <>, <> etc.)
< /h1 > closes the heading tag
<> This is the paragraph tag and the < /p > closes the paragraph... information is typed in between these tags
< /body > closes the page of html codes
< /html > lets everyone and every browser know that html codes are done at this point

Now go try this. Open up Notepad and type in the above code. Save it as a html file (ie. doc.html) and then open it in your internet browser (usually by opening your browser, click on file, open and then find your doc OR press ctrl + o).

Knowing the very basics, you could now incorporate more tags onto the page to elaborate what it looks like.

You could make font bold by using the <> < /b > tags or you could make it italic by using the <> < /i > tags. How about making a list?

For an unordered list ( <>, < /ul >) the code could look like this:


<> Item to be listed < /li >
<> Other item listed < /li >

< /ul >

OR and ordered list:


<> Item #1 < /li >
<> Item #2 < /li >

< /ol >

There are so many tags out there that help form your page. You can make forms, you could have scrolling text, you could change the colour of your text, you could add images, videos, audio... the opportunities are endless!

If you would like to learn more about HTML w3schools is a great website to check out. Now go ahead and try the code up above. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave them here and I will be more than happy to answer them!

Until next time, Happy Web Designing!


Web design Singapore September 21, 2010 at 3:11 PM  

I like to subscribe this blog then plz give me detail procedure kindly inform me when you have update this blog in future. Best of luck for future.