Mindy's Movie Reviews

A blog that went from discussing about the writing life to reviews of movies

Reading Makes You a Better Writer?

I love opinions. I love hearing other people's opinions (good or bad) and I love giving my opinion. Really who doesn't?

In saying that, I want to know all of your opinions about reading in general.

I have been told, in order to be a better writer I should read. My answer to that is "Do I have to?" (I don't like to read novels much anymore though I am trying to read 50 books in a year)

Do you believe reading a lot makes a writer better? Why or why not?

I just recently finished a book by James Patterson called "I, Alex Cross" which I couldn't put down. The suspense and mystery of the book made me read it so fast and I enjoyed every minute of it.

Though I find there's very few books that are able to make me want to read it in one sitting.

So I must ask, what makes a book so great and not great to you?

Can't wait to hear your answers. Now I have to bury myself into a another book. I have a lot of catching up still to do.


Anonymous May 13, 2010 at 11:46 AM  

I do believe that reading helps you to be a better writer. You need to keep reading to keep learning. You also need to keep writing to be a better writer.

A great book is one that I find hard to put down. It keeps me wanting more as I turn each page. The twists, turns, plots, characters, etc. If I feel some connection to the characters. These are things I look for in a great book.