Mindy's Movie Reviews

A blog that went from discussing about the writing life to reviews of movies

American Idol vs. Writing

Right now I am sitting here watching American Idol and one of my favourite songs of all time is being sung by Lee DeWyze. I should be writing right now but holy brown cow! I always knew this song was amazing but geez louise he did that song justice!

I love seeing these young musical artists who were barely doing anything musically make it through each week and then perform something amazing like he did tonight. You can see the passion in their eyes and hear it through their voice. They definitely want the prize ahead of them, ever so badly.

I understand the feeling. Maybe not quite in the same way as the American Idol contestants but I understand it through writing. I have a prize that is just out of my reach. Each week I work as hard as I can to inch towards that prize I so desperately want. My judges are my editors. My voters are my potential readers. My prize is publication.

Watching American Idol gives me hope I guess in a strange way. I see all the time, people who become a Kelly Clarkson or Carrie Underwood in this world. It gives me hope that someday, if I work my behind off, I will achieve my dreams. It makes me realize that every step is going to be a (excuse my language) bitch to take but it will all be worth it....right?


Anonymous May 20, 2010 at 8:01 AM  

Mindy, you'll reach your prize. I can hear the determination in your blog post.

Mindy May 27, 2010 at 12:55 PM  

thanks Susanne I appreciate it

Keri June 1, 2010 at 3:36 AM  

I actually lost interest in American Idol half way through. I just sort of learned who was being sent home instead of actually watching so I just stopped...and this was only my third year watching the show. Still, I got hardly any writing done so...XD