Mindy's Movie Reviews

A blog that went from discussing about the writing life to reviews of movies

Am Writing/Blogging for Unpublished Writers

So sorry for this blog post being late. I was away on a trip yesterday.

I have a great FAQ article for you to read, especially if you are on Twitter.

It is called Am Writing and is about the Am Writing hashtag on Twitter.

Check it out by clicking here.

If you are not on Twitter I have another link for you to check out.

It is a blog post by Jody Hedlund called How Important is Blogging For Unpublished Writers

You can click here to read it.

Let me know what you think of them!

Until next time have a great week everyone


Anonymous August 26, 2010 at 10:19 AM  

I found Jody Hedlund's blog post interesting. Thanks for sharing it.

Jody Hedlund August 27, 2010 at 7:22 AM  

Thank you for the shout out, Mindy!

Mindy August 30, 2010 at 6:58 PM  

No problem Jody...your blog is very informative