So sorry for this blog post being late. I was away on a trip yesterday.
I have a great FAQ article for you to read, especially if you are on Twitter.
It is called Am Writing and is about the Am Writing hashtag on Twitter.
Check it out by clicking here.
If you are not on Twitter I have another link for you to check out.
It is a blog post by Jody Hedlund called How Important is Blogging For Unpublished Writers
You can click here to read it.
Let me know what you think of them!
Until next time have a great week everyone
Am Writing/Blogging for Unpublished Writers
Interview with Marybeth Smith
Hey everyone!
Before we begin the interview with Marybeth, I wanted to make a sidenote from last weeks post concerning the Crafting Fiction website. It has been brought to my attention that the web design articles on that site are going to be moved to Web Tech Design very soon.
With that said I would like you all to welcome Marybeth Smith to my blog, to talk about her website Ask A Bipolar.You have a brand new website called Ask a Bipolar. What's the website about and How did it all come together?
Ask a Bipolar is a website where people can come and ask questions about bipolar and get answers from someone who has been there, instead of your typical professional opinion. I came up with the idea after a friend of mine received some comments on her blog (about her son who suffers from a mood disorder) from my fellow AskaBipolaree, Erika. The feed back she gave was so real and the other readers of the blog loved it. They loved hearing what someone else had gone through. So I got in touch with Erika and asked if she might be interested in starting up a website with me. She was all about it! So together we can tackle Early Onset Bipolar (my son has this), adolescent Bipolar (Erika is a teenager) and Adult Bipolar (Me!)
How did you find out you had bipolar?
I found out I had bipolar after suffering from depression for ten years then ending up in a psychiatric hospital during a major breakdown. It took 10 years to get a proper diagnosis!
What is the main purpose for this site?
Everyone has questions, and we don't always want someone's medical opinion. Sometimes we just want to hear from someone that, yeah, i've been there too. That's my goal. I want others to feel that there is somewhere they can come and get answers from a real person without all the medical mumbo jumbo.
What are some important things for people who do not understand Bipolar, should know about?
Wow, that's a hard thing. There are SO MANY things that everyone should know about Bipolar. I think one of the most important things to remember is that it is an illness, just like asthma or diabetes. We don't have control over it. It can be treated, but that doesn't mean the symptoms are going to disappear. If someone you know suffers from Bipolar, learn everything you can about it. There are so many books out there that can help you understand better. And there is no better support than a friend or family member who cares enough to learn about what you are going through.
Your site has been up for a short while now. I was wondering if there has been any questions that have stumped you or something you have learned from your followers? If so could you share please?
We have had a couple questions that neither of us could answer, but we were able to seek out someone who could. One was about ECT treatment, which neither Erika nor I have had experience with. We haven't posted it yet, but the woman doing the post runs a website called and has had much experience with this procedure.
What has been the best advice YOU received from someone?
It's not often that I'm the one getting advice. Usually it's the other way around. I did see on one website that those who suffer from PMDD (Premenstrual Disphoric Disorder...many with Bipolar have this too) that if you are feeling overly irritable you can curve the irritability by doing something that involves logic. (ie Word Puzzles, Math, etc.) Because you are using the logic side of your brain the emotional side somewhat shuts off. I thought that was pretty interesting.
For those who don't know you, you are also a writer. Have you ever wrote a fiction/non-fiction story about Bipolar? Why or why not?
I am currently writing a YA Fiction novel called, 'Taming the Crazies' about a young girl dealing with a mother and brother with Bipolar. I wanted to show what effects this illness can have on those around us. It's an illness that affects the whole family, not just the individual suffering from it.
What's your favourite colour and why?
Green...a few years ago winter was especially long. I was SO sick of seeing all the dull lifeless trees and lawns. We took a trip to North Carolina and the further south we got the more green things were. Just seeing everything so green made me so super happy. It's been my favorite color ever since.
Are you a Twilight fan? if so Edward or Jacob?
I'm kinda burnt out on the whole Twilight thing. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm still went to see the triple feature the night Eclipse opened...and i did wear my Team Edward shirt, but I'm really more of a Team Gryffindor girl (which I have one of those t-shirts too!)
What is one thing NO ONE knows about you?
I'm kind of an open book, so this is a really hard question to answer...And I don't think there is anything about me that my husband doesn't know. Well, actually ... I really have to pee right now. And nobody but you guys knows about it! (It's our secret...don't tell!)
Thank you so much Marybeth for taking time from your busy life to do this interview.
I encourage you all to go check out her website called Ask a Bipolar.
Make sure to follow Ask a Bipolar on:
Website to share
Hey everyone I apologize for not blogging much lately. I've been busy as I always am.
I wanted to give you a link to a web site that has some articles about web design along with plenty of articles for writers as well. It's a very useful site that was created by a friend of mine named Rebecca Laffar-Smith.
Please check it out by clicking: Crafting of Fiction
Next week I am hoping to have a special guest blogger named Marybeth Geer-Smith who will be answering some questions about her new website she has called Ask a Bipolar. Give it a look and if you have any questions yourself for her next week, make sure you post them in the comments section of that blog post for her to answer.
Until next week, have a great rest of the week! Can you believe that as of this Sunday, August will be half over? Geez Louise!!!