Mindy's Movie Reviews

A blog that went from discussing about the writing life to reviews of movies

Olympic Fever

For those of you who don't know, the 2010 Olympics are coming to Vancouver Canada. Being a proud Canadian as it is, has made the anticipation of the event even more enjoyable. At this moment one of the longest torch relays in history is going on right now across Canada. Today it stopped in a nearby city from where I live and I just had to go and be there.

When the cauldron in that photo lit up, tears formed in my eyes. I was never more proud to be Canadian than at that moment. It was a moment I hope I will never forget and I am truly grateful to have had the opportunity to see it.

Now you are probably wondering what does this have to do with writing as this blog is about writing. The Olympics represent unity amongst everyone in the world. It represents working together, having fun, motivating each other and holding each others hand through all the tough times and hard work. It signifies pride of ones country and I personally find it's much like the writing world.

I have been a part of the writing world for only a few years now yet I have found that, much like the Olympics, the world of writers are united. We try to work together by making our prose better. We hold each other's hands up all the little steps to someday be published and yes writing is hard work, but I find the world of writers are there ready to cheer you on across that finish line.

If I have learned anything today, I have learned that this world, this country, this town that I live in, has so much greatness to it. I have learned to be grateful to be a part of it all and am grateful to be a writer with the many other writers who have encouraged me to be better.

Okay onto something else. I have begun to edit last year's NaNo novel called "Run!". I have about five chapters slightly edited so far. This has been going pretty good so far for being my first time editing. Next week I will post tips I have found along my way for editing a manuscript.

Besides that, I still have to finish both of this year's Nano novels and yet to begin working on Kayla's script (I need a title for that script soon lol)

So I have some questions for you all:

-What has been the best and the worst part about editing your manuscript?
-What or Who encourages you to be a better writer?
-And just for random fun, what is your favourite colour?


TerryLynnJohnson December 17, 2009 at 8:40 PM  

I LOVE to revise. The best part is just doing it and getting caught up in it so that it wakes me up at night. My man doesn't usually like anything I write (he's not a reader) so that seems to inspire me to keep getting better. And I love the colour rust. thanks for asking!

Mindy December 21, 2009 at 12:30 PM  

haha no problem! thanks for posting.... i love red...red red red....i just love it haha.... i remember when i was little looking through the Sears magazine... i would tell everyone who would listen that for my house when i became older i would buy this in red and that in red.... it was fun!